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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bonds Baby Please!

4:18 AM // by Unknown // , , // No comments

I'm back! Sorry for the hiatus - I promise to be better now. Okay, this is a mama and papa post so if you're not in a phase of  life that involves little people this might not be for you. I just want to say how much I am in love with the Aussie brand Bonds, when it comes to baby clothes. Before O was born, we were gifted with many cute as anything outfits and it wasn't until we actually came to dress him in them that we realised how much of a nightmare baby clothes can actually be! Being an Aussie, it seemed improper for me to have a baby and not dress him in Bonds so a few weeks before due date I sent the call out to my girls to send supplies to London...and that they did! Handpicked by yummy mummy Stef, I received an amazing box filled with wondersuits, leggings and trousers. Everything about Bonds is great but I want to talk about two things. The Zip Wondersuit and the Singletsuit because these two beauties will revolutionise your baby changing days!

Zip Wondersuit

 Why it's wonderful: It has a two two-way zippers...yes, two of them so you don't have to completely unzip them if you're just changing the nappy - the top half can stay warm and toasty. There's a safety fold at the top so don't worry about the zip bothering bubs. And let's pause here to acknowledge just how much easier a zip is to do up over the myriad of buttons we are normally faced with. No guessing which button goes with which hole, quick and easy. In fact, whenever DH dresses him, he only goes for the zip wondersuit and if there isn't one handy I get a 'where is an Australian suit?!' call bellowing out of the room. Okay other great things are that the sleeves and legs turn into feet and mittens. Good for all year round, inside and out of the house. At the moment we're using these at night with the feet and hands out as its a bit warm but we've had the feet as socks until now. 


Why it's wonderful: I've found that 'singlet' is not a word outside of Australia and New Zealand so for those wondering it's also called a vest and you can see what it is the pics anyway. We currently only have two of these so I've ordered a stack more online and they're due to arrive this weekend along with my mum and all sorts of other Australian treats. I've always dressed O in a singlet because I like him to have warmth on his chest even if it's sunny outside. So the beauty of this little number is they can wear it on it's own if its super sunny or under a cute litte t-shirt if not. And when that little t-shirt inevitably rolls up to under his arms, the singlet is still keeping him warm because it buttons up at the bottom.  Babies need a bit of help controlling their body temp so this works wonders. Plus, they are super cute!

This blog was inspired by the look on my MIL's face after she dressed O in some pyjamas from the Little White Company recently. Let's just say it looks like a piece of fabric with buttons and sleeves and you can sort it out for yourself from there. If you're expecting - these will be a good investment and save you a lot of pain! 


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