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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Yes, I am rubbish...

9:32 AM // by Unknown // No comments

Well it has to be explained I suppose, why I have been so absent from the blog of late. Obviously it's not because I'm not doing interesting things - I am! I've been to two more spas and even popped over to Sevilla and Cordova - all MORE than worthy of a post of their own. The problem is I don't have a camera right now and I'm sick of posting dodgy photos which don't do any justice to the thing I'm raving on about. Normally I would steal A's photos...after all he is a much better photographer than me, but he has 'done a Maree' and also broken his phone!! This means until I return to London in August and pick up a new phone contract I am stranded with the most frustrating little annoying phone I have ever had. I can't even get through a full whatsapp message without seeing my favourite 'force close' message!

So, I think the best camera phone at the moment is the iPhone 5? Any thoughts on that?

Rest assured, my posts will be back soon and more wonderful than ever. There's a whole other side of London to explore with tiny feet after all! Also I'm heading back to work so who knows how that is going to go down...let's see if I can even remember how to add!

In the meantime I will try my best to uncover some hidden gems in the form of other people's photos and attempt to get some posts up. If I don't, you must know that both Sevilla and Cordoba are incredible and you should definately put them on your must-do list if you haven't already.

Baby is crying...should probably respond. :) 

From where I sit...


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